Fitness has been part of my life for a long time. I’ve worked out enough to have insight into building muscle. One absolute truth is:

Muscle doesn’t grow unless you apply resistance. To apply resistance means making that muscle uncomfortable.

When I think about this in broader terms, it applies to any accomplishment in life. I can’t think of a single goal worth achieving that is performed without effort, or more specifically, without being uncomfortable in some manner. Yet, we have become a nation that seeks comfort. We chase it instead of our dreams. We seek the path of least resistance instead of the path to enlightenment. And it’s making us soft... mentally, physically, and spiritually.

For many of us, our days are filled with numerous activities that get us nowhere. We do them because they make us feel comfortable. They suck us in. Who hasn’t misplaced an hour or two getting lost in the internet or a few television shows? But we don’t seek out these activities because we truly desire them. We bury ourselves in them because we are avoiding something. Some may say we are avoiding success, but frankly, what we’re truly avoiding is the hard work, time, and effort it takes to be:

  • Great

  • Fulfilled

  • Content

What are you avoiding because you’ve been confusing comfort with happiness? Do something today that makes you uncomfortable.

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