Colorful Books Stacked in Green Grass under Blue Sky with White Clouds

The best things in life are free. I believe it. But what about the wonderful things in life that do cost something?

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about those things that don’t cost much, relatively speaking, but give rich experiences. I want more of these things in my life, so I made a list for myself. But there’s a twist. I wanted to identify purchases that make my life richer without spending too much money, but a billionaire couldn’t necessarily spend more money to buy a better experience than me. Here goes:

1) Great Books - I can feel the pages between my fingers: textured paper brimming with stone-wedged swords, grinning cats, time wrinkles, and precious rings. We immerse our imaginations and time warps, hours like minutes, minutes like hours, until the real world beckons. Such an unparalleled experience. True, this may fall into the free category if you use your public library, but supply doesn’t always meet demand. And how many times have you tried to reserve a book to learn the sole copy is 5 years overdue. Our taxes pay for the library anyway, so it’s not exactly free. And yes, the billionaire may be able to buy that first edition of Oliver Twist, signed by Charles Dickens himself, but do you think he sits in a cozy chair by the fire at night to read that edition? Absolutely not. It’s locked away. If he wants to recapture the magic of the story, he’s probably eyeballing the same umpteenth edition we do. Dive into a book.

2) A Roaring Fire - When gold and crimson-laced flames dance above an open hearth or within a ring of stones, something primal emerges. Stare into those hypnotic flames long enough and you may discover something about yourself. Many of us don’t have true fireplaces anymore, only a closed space where gas logs pretend to roar. There’s something sad about that. But with a small investment in camping gear and the right locale, you can build that timeless fire, watch it burn into the night as sparks rise into the night until they wink out against the starlit backdrop above. Warm your face by the fire.

3) Life’s Soundtrack - How do you feel when your favorite song streams from the radio speakers? Such is the mood-shifting power of music. Want energy and motivation? Want to feel as if nothing can stop you? Create an iTunes playlist with your favorite, upbeat songs. Cruise through the world with your personal soundtrack playing in the background. Most of the time, we need only an hour's worth of songs for whatever we’re doing, say ten. Back in my college days—when the only way to get a song I loved was to buy a CD full of lackluster songs I didn’t care about. Getting ten favorite songs meant spending $200. Now I spend less than $10, or a monthly fee I gladly pay to listen to any song I want. In these days of music portability, if you spend a little extra for an excellent headset, rest assured the billionaire doesn’t have it better than you unless her musical tastes are superior to yours. Just kidding. You’re safe here since you are the only judge. Fill your world with song.

4) Excellent Movies - I love movies as much as books. My in-home theater system may not be the dedicated room I’ve seen in some houses complete with megaplex-like seating, but do you know what? It doesn’t matter. If the movie is exceptional, I could view it on a white sheet slung over a clothesline and I’d lose myself within that imaginary world the same as if it played on the best theater system in the world. Lose yourself in a movie.

5) Nostalgic Scents - Newly mown grass; clothes dried by a spring breeze; Thanksgiving turkey. Most of us have experienced it: a pleasing scent from our past whisking us back and we feel grand. For me, that scent is honeysuckle. I remember discovering the flowering vines along a fence at a friend’s house and she showed me how to slip the stem from the petals to reveal the honeysuckle dewdrops. We slid those translucent droplets onto our tongues and devoured them one by one. Playful days and carefree ways. What scent sweeps you back to a cherished bygone time? If it’s a certain flower, buy them to fill your kitchen with their scent. Or if it’s a difficult fragrance to find, drop into an aroma shop to splurge for an oil extract, one that fuels your reminiscing. Time travel with a favorite scent.

6) The Internet - You may wonder why I include this after my You Can’t Soar from a Prison Cell post? But the internet is a wonderful thing if you use its power wisely. You have the same access to a universe of free information as the insanely wealthy of this world. It’s the connection that costs you unless you’re somehow the recipient of free wi-fi, but it’s costing someone. Explore the world… wide web.

7) A Pet - Even free pets cost something after the vet bill. But do you think the billionaire’s pet loves her any more than yours does you? I doubt it, even if she does leave the fur-ball her estate. Play with your pet.

8) The Right Mattress - This is one of those relatively speaking items I mentioned. I’m stretching a bit because the super-wealthy can buy a better sleeping experience than most of us, purchasing mattresses that cost upward of $50,000. But know this: depending on your sleeping habits, you’ll spend approximately a third of your life in bed, 25 years if you live to 75. You owe it to yourself to buy the best mattress you can afford. No skimping here. Dream in comfort.

That’s my list… so far.

After I made it, I vowed to spend more time with books, music, and movies. I also started to think about the best things in life that are free. There are many, but I’ll leave you with one of my favorites:

The Sky - If you’ve visited this site before, you know I’m partial to the sky. But many share my fascination with it. I’m comforted every time I cast my eyes upward to it, even if it holds, as Snoopy would say in the opening of his novel, “… a dark and stormy night.” If I ever feel alone in this world, separated from the universe, one look at the sky dissipates the feeling. Wonderful things come from or appear in the sky: the sun, rain, snow, stars—stationary and shooting, cool breezes, sunsets, clouds—especially those we project our imagination on to, fireflies, the moon, fireworks, thunderstorms—nature’s fireworks, rainbows, sunbeams, comets, Venus, hot air balloons, butterflies, and planes that defy gravity. Soothe yourself with the sky.


The School of Life


Passion for Planes, Paintings, and Pets