Why You Must Believe in Yourself

There are probably many people in your life who believe in your ability to succeed. Mom or dad or the significant other. But those individuals’ own lives consume the bulk of their time. They are too busy…

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Procrastination Paradox: Why Done is Better than Great

Procrastination sucks. If one thing in life has slowed me down more than any other, it’s procrastination. It’s not as much an issue for activities I feel I must do, like earning a living or making an effort to stay healthy. But for those ambitious stretch goals I think will make…

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Get Out of Your Head

“Stop staring at the instrument panel,” my flight instructor said, finger pointing to the blue stretch of sky beyond the windshield. “Everything that makes flying worth it is...

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Hope for Humanity

There is a person you are meant to be. You know this because you’ve dreamed of it. Perhaps that person is a painter or a photographer. Maybe it’s an entrepreneur or a scientist. But whatever the goal, many of us have…

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The Weight of the World

When non-pilots see the plane I fly, they assume it carries a lot. But everything in life, love, and lift is a tradeoff. If I want to take four people on a trip with…

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